Soheir Najem Is the founder of A Voice in the Wilderness, she was born in Cairo Egypt, she received the Lord in 1973 and has been serving Him ever since.
Soheir Najem was educated in Egypt, which included two years as a technician and two years of Law in Cairo University.
Soheir’s dream was, to come to the USA, it was hard to get a visa that time, but the Lord gave her favor with the American Embassy personal and she get her visa.
Soheir came to the United States in 1979 and she became a citizen 1984.
She studied Christian education and taught Pre-school for 18 years.

In 1986 she had a dream that a flood came on the earth, the water was like high waves covering the houses and covering the people ,some of them died and some of them where running to her house , she had no water ,the water stopped  in the beginning  of the driveway ,the people’s faces looked like monkey’s faces, they were knocking  on the door, but  she let them in ,they sat down and she fed them then their faces start to change to human being. The interpretation for the dream was;
My child, There is a time of judgment and trouble coming upon the earth, but for you my child, there is nothing to be afraid of. I have set you in a secure place, a place of refuge where no harm will come to you. I will set within you a heart of compassion which you will minister to those that are mine.Do not worry as to what you will do, when this come to pass as I will set in you, the provision necessary to nourish these people spiritually. I am preparing you for this very time.

The Lord was preparing Soheir Najem for such a time like this. She went through many trials, she lost her job after 18 years as a school teacher, she was grieving, but she remembered the story of Joseph when his brothers throw him in the pit, but God had a plan for him and God blessed him in the end. Then the Lord gave her another dream, in the dream, she was walking next to the school where she worked, and two people came and attacked her, and few ladies came to help her and took her away from them, she remembered that she lost her ID card in the attack, she wanted to get it, but a man   came to her and said; do not worry about your ID I am going to get you a new one, I am going to give you a new identity.
When she woke up, she know that was Jesus and He has a plan for her.
She trusted the Lord all the time, and God’s plane start to manifest itself .He is faithful to His word.God opened the door for her to preach and minister to the people through her testimony.
Soheir can claim Isaiah 22:22 as her own: “I will place the key of the house of David on his shoulder; when he opens, no one shell shut; when he shut, no one shell open.” She continues to stand on God’s promises because she knows what the devil want for evil, God worked out for good.Romans 8:28 the Bible says; and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Joel 2:25 the Bible says “I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten “