Sunday, January 5, 2020


How many times does Our Lord  Jesus tell us: “Be on guard”, “Watch”, “You know not the day nor the hour when the Son of Man will come”, ”These things are just the beginning of sorrows…”, …”earthquakes, floods, etc”…  Nothing should surprise us!  Yet, the news media, the TV,  Facebook, etc . cause us much anxiety, fear, concern:” Where is Jesus in all this?!!”

I recently heard of a dear pastor friend who was shot by a Church member’s son. Life is not guaranteed.  Anytime, we can go!  Are we ready for that moment when we stand before God? How have we lived our lives? Are we filled with fear and anxiety, or are we trusting the Lord? The above incident really got me thinking about readiness—the words Jesus mentioned several times in the Gospels.

Now, in recent ‘news’ reports, earthquakes, floods, fires,
killing of Christians everywhere, sex trafficking-innocent boys and girls snatched from their parents and sold for sex, aborted babies’ parts sold for greed-all God’s laws dismissed as burdensome and not applicable today. What Isaiah the Prophet preached in his day is repeated today with arrogance:
“ What is evil is considered good;  what is good is considered evil”.  May God have mercy on us!  Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

As Christians, we know God is our helper. (Hebrews 13, 6) “What can man do to me?” Psalm 121, 1-2 says,” I lift up my eyes to the hills; from whence comes my help? My help is from the Lord, Maker of Heaven and earth.” Jesus Himself tells us, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28,20)

Are we falling more in love with Jesus? Are we walking in His ways-the ‘straight and narrow path’?  Are we following the word of God, or are we compromising—what is evil is good; what is good is evil?  “Are our hearts ready for what is to come? 

”Let us keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith!” (Hebrews 12,2) Jesus wants us to come to Him, to honor and glorify Him, the only Savior of the world!  His word tells us, “Come to Me”!  “Be not vexed (Do not  fret) It will only harm you!”